AOUT 1958 A JUILLET 1959
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87 - Aoϋt 1958, Couverture de Emsh
plus dessin original
"Have Spacesuit - Will Travel"
Have Space Suit Will Travel
[Part 1 of 3] Robert
A. Heinlein n.
The Last Shall Be First Robert P. Mills vi
The Devil and Mrs. Ackenbaugh Leslie Jones
The Edge Richard Matheson ss
Sandy Had a Tiger Alex Apostolides ss
Great Is Diana Avram Davidson ss
Marjorie Is Still Waiting C. S. Forester vi
The Horsenaping of Hotspur Charles G. Finney ss |
88 - Septembre 1958, Couverture de Emsh
"Have Spacesuit - Will Travel"
Have Space Suit Will Travel
[Part 2
of 3] Robert A. Heinlein n.
Casey Agonistes R. M. McKenna ss
A Word to the Wise John Collier vi
A Demon at Devotions Jane Roberts ss
Poet in Residence Willard Marsh ss
The Word from Space Wright Morris ss
That Hell-Bound Train Robert Bloch ss |
- Octobre 1958, Couverture de Emsh
"All Star Anniversary Issue"
Eastward Ho! William Tenn ss
The Black Retriever Charles G. Finney ss
The Terribly Wild Flowers Gerald Kersh ss
Infortunately Fredric Brown vi
Have Space Suit Will Travel [Part 3 of 3] Robert A. Heinlein
The Bogey Man Wilbur Daniel Steele ss
The Night of Lies Damon Knight ss
The Men Who Murdered Mudered Mohammed Alfred Bester ss
90 - Novembre 1958, Couverture de Pederson
A Different Purpose Kem Bennett s
Bewitched Michael Fessier ss
Critical Angle A. Bertram Chandler ss
Or the Grasses Grow Avram Davidson ss
Wildcat Poul Anderson nv
Beans Jack Williamson vi
Mr. Milton's Gift ["The Man with the Golden Hand"; *Murchison Morks]
Robert Arthur ss
Pelt Carol Emshwiller ss
For Analysis P. Schuyler Miller vi
Nine Yards of Other Cloth [*John] Manly Wade Wellman ss |
91 - Dιcembre 1958, Couverture de Emsh
"Dream Girl"
The Eye and the Lightning Algis Budrys nv
The Pink Caterpillar [*Fergus O'Breen] Anthony Boucher ss
Timequake Miriam Allen deFord ss
Little Old Miss Macbeth Fritz Leiber ss
Honeysuckle Cottage [*Adrian Mulliner] P. G. Wodehouse nv
Wish Upon a Star Judith Merril ss
Dream Girl Ron Goulart ss
Somebody's ClothesSomebody's Life Cornell Woolrich pl
Far from Home Walter S. Tevis vi |
92 - Janvier 1959, Couverture de Emsh
"The Silver Eggheads"
The Quest for Saint Aquin Anthony Boucher
The Woman Who Thought She Could Read Avram Davidson ss
The Silver Eggheads Fritz Leiber na
Explorers We Philip K. Dick ss
Santa Clause Robert F. Young ss
Meeting of Relations John Collier vi
Invasion of the Planet of Love George P. Elliott ss
The R of A Gordon R. Dickson ss |
93 - Fιvrier 1959, Couverture de Chesley Bonestell
"Under the Surface of Jupiter's Red Spot"
What Rough Beast? Damon Knight nv
Graveyard Shift Idris Seabright ss
No Matter Where You Go Joel Townsley Rogers
Snitkin's Law Eleazar Lipsky ss
Death Cannot Wither Judith Merril nv
The Misfit [*Mad Friend] G. C. Edmondson
Nothing But Love George P. Elliott ss
Ghost Planet Charles L. Fontenay ss
Natural Frequency Raymond E. Banks ss
The Willow Tree Jane Rice ss |
94 - Mars 1959, Couverture de Emsh
"All Star Issue"
"All You Zombies" Robert A.
The Shoreline at Sunset Ray Bradbury ss
Jordan [*People] Zenna Henderson nv
Of Time and Cats Howard Fast ss
The Distant Sound of Engines Algis Budrys ss
The Certificate Avram Davidson ss
Three-Dimensional Valentine Stuart Palmer
The Sky People Poul Anderson nv
Will You Wait? Alfred Bester ss |
95 - Avril 1959, Couverture de Emsh
"Flowers for Algernon"
Flowers for Algernon Daniel Keyes
The Flying Islands [1883] Anton Chekhov; trans. by Frances H. Jones ss
The Amulet Gordon R. Dickson ss
The Lady in the Tower [*Rowan] Anne McCaffrey
Unto the Fourth Generation Isaac Asimov ss
The Martian Crown Jewels Poul Anderson ss
Nightmare Jane Roberts vi
To See Another Mountain Frederik Pohl nv |
96 - Mai 1959, Couverture inconnu
"The Man Who Could Not Stop"
Tenth Time Around J. T. McIntosh nv
The One That Got Away Chad Oliver ss
The Shout Robert Graves ss
First Dig Miriam Allen deFord ss
Lost in Translation Rosel George Brown ss
The Montavarde Camera Avram Davidson ss
The Angry Mammoth ["A Relic of the Pliocene"] Jack London ss
The Man Who Could Not Stop A. Bertram Chandler nv |
97 - Juin 1959, Couverture de Emsh
"The Alley Man"
This Earth of Hours James Blish nv
Soul Mate Lee Sutton ss
Maybe We Got Something Josef Berger ss
The Hero Equation ["Don't Be a Goose"; *Murchison Morks] Robert
Arthur ss
The Alley Man Philip Josι Farmer
The Iowan's Curse Charles G. Finney ss
98 - Juillet 1959, Couverture de Ron Cobb
"Discovery on the Moon"
To Fell a Tree Robert F. Young nv
Author, Author Avram Davidson ss
For Sale, Reasonable Elisabeth Mann Borgese
Impasse Jane Roberts ss
The Harley Helix Lou Tabakow vi
Success Story H. M. Sycamore nv
Rabbits to the Moon Raymond E. Banks ss
The Cold, Cold Box Howard Fast ss |
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Pages : 1, 2,
3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8,
9, 10,
11, 12,
13, 14,
15, 16,
17, 18,
19, 20,
22, 23,
24, 25,

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