AOUT 1959 A JUILLET 1960
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ΰ la liste "Pulps et Magazines Amιricains"
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99 - Aoϋt 1959, Couverture de Emsh "Day at the Beach"
Operation Ladybird Jay Williams nv
Day at the Beach Carol Emshwiller ss
The Walker-Through-Walls Marcel Aymι; trans. by Norman Denny ss
Brave to Be a King [*Manse Everard (Time Patrol)] Poul Anderson nv
The Rosebud Ray Russell vi
Empty Nest Kit Reed ss
Obituary Isaac Asimov ss
100 - Septembre 1959, Couverture de Mel Hunter
"Take Off from the Moon"
The Red Hills of Summer Edgar Pangborn
The Black Nebula Sonny Powell vi
Up, Down, and Sideways John Cunningham vi
The Man Who Told Lies Billy Watson vi
The Devil's Garden [*Murchison Morks] Robert Arthur ss
Who Is Going to Cut the Barber's Hair? Will Stanton
Nor Custom Stale Joanna Russ ss
Interview with a Dead Man Robert Graves vi
The Makers of Destiny Edward S. Aarons nv
Game With a Goddess Leslie Bonnet ss
101 - Octobre 1959, Couverture de Emsh
"Special 10th Anniversary Issue"
The Man Who Lost the Sea Theodore Sturgeon ss
And a Little Child... Zenna Henderson ss
To Be Continued Damon Knight ss
The Gilashrikes Charles G. Finney ss
Operation Incubus [*Matuchek] Poul Anderson
The Pleasant Woman, Eve Hassoldt Davis ss
The Pi Man Alfred Bester ss
Dagon Avram Davidson ss
Starship Soldier [Part 1 of 2] Robert A. Heinlein n.
102 - Novembre 1959, Couverture de Emsh plus dessin original
"Starship Soldier"
The Martian Shop Howard Fast nv
"From Caribou to Carry Nation" [*Mad Friend] G. C. Edmondson
Plenitude Will Worthington ss
Frritt-Flacc [1884] Jules Verne; trans. by I. O. Evans
I Know a Good Hand Trick Wade Miller ss
Starship Soldier [Part 2 of 2] Robert A. Heinlein
The Masks James Blish ss
After the Ball John Collier ss
103 - Dιcembre 1959, Couverture de Mel Hunter
"Adventures of the Last Man"
What Now, Little Man? Mark Clifton nv
The Terra-Venusian War of 1979 Gerard E. Neyroud
The State of Grace Marcel Aymι; trans. by Norman Denny
The Homing Instinct of Joe Vargo Stephen Barr
The Rainbow Gold Jane Rice ss
A Pride of Carrots: or, Venus Well Served Robert Nathan pl
104 - Janvier 1960, Couverture de Emsh plus dessin original
"A Little Girl's Xmas in Modernia"
The Only Game in Town [*Manse Everard (Time
Patrol)] Poul Anderson nv
A Divvil With the Women ["Heart's Desire"] Niall Wilde ss
The Blind Pilot Charles Henneberg; trans. by Damon Knight ss
Bug-Getter R. Bretnor vi
Final Gentleman Clifford D. Simak nv
A Little Girl's Xmas in Modernia David R. Bunch ss
The Galactic Calabash [*Mad Friend] G. C. Edmondson ss
Double, Double, Toil and Trouble Holley Cantine ss
105 - Fιvrier 1960, Couverture de Emsh
"The Fellow Who Married the Maxill Girl"
The First Men Howard Fast nv
Mine Own Ways Richard M. McKenna ss
Apprentice Robert J. Tilley ss
The White Pony Jane Rice ss
The Replacement Robert Murray ss
Send Her Victorious Evelyn E. Smith ss
The Price Algis Budrys vi
We Are the Ceiling Will Worthington ss
The Fellow Who Married the Maxill Girl Ward Moore nv |
106 - Mars 1960, Couverture de Mel Hunter
"Separate Proposed Methods for Landing Men on the Moon
The Martyr Poul Anderson
Death and the Maiden Ray Bradbury ss
Like Young Theodore Sturgeon
Man Overboard John Collier
The Girls and Nugent Miller Robert Sheckley ss
The Monster Miriam Allen deFord ss
Aprθs Nous Avram Davidson vi
All the Traps of Earth Clifford D. Simak nv
107 - Avril 1960, Couverture de Emsh
"Crazy Maro"
Crazy Maro Daniel Keyes nv
The Hairy Thunderer Levi Crow ss
Ringer G. C. Edmondson vi
The Wrens in Grampa's Whiskers Edgar Pangborn ss
A Certain Room Kurt Kusenberg; trans. by Therese Pol ss
Among the Dangs George P. Elliott nv
A Little Human Contact Rosel George Brown ss
In the House, Another Joseph Whitehill vi
The Game of Five Gordon R. Dickson nv
108 - Mai 1960, Couverture de Mel Hunter
"Music to Watch the Moon Rise By"
The Oldest Soldier [*Change War] Fritz Leiber
The Man from Tomorrow Fred McMorrow ss
American Plan Rex Lardner ss
The Tender Age John Collier ss
One on Trial Gordon R. Dickson ss
A Specimen for the Queen [*Ruum] Arthur Porges
Open to Me, My Sister Philip Josι Farmer |
109 - Juin 1960, Couverture de Emsh
"Emsh's Version of a Soft Landing"
et dessin original
The Non-Humans Charles
Henneberg; trans. by
Damon Knight ss
Fireside Talk H. F. Ellis ss
Cato the Martian Howard Fast ss
The Swamp Road Will Worthington ss
Slammy and the Bonneygott Mrs. Agate ss
The Sixth Season Avram Davidson ss
The Golden Bugs Clifford D. Simak nv
Beyond Ganga Mata John Berry ss
110 - Juillet 1960, Couverture de Mel Hunter
"Moon Landscape"
Oh I'll Take the High Road Stephen Barr ss
The Simian Problem Hollis Alpert
The Burning Theodore R. Cogswell ss
Things Zenna Henderson ss
It Is Not My Fault A. H. Z. Carr ss
All in Good Time Miriam Allen deFord ss
The Last Dream Gordon R. Dickson ss
Fair Trade Avram Davidson ss
To the Tombaugh Station Wilson Tucker na |
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