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D-199, JANVIER 1957

STAR GUARD par Andre Norton, Couverture de Emsh

PLANET OF NO RETURN (Question and Answer) par Poul Anderson, Couverture de Valigursky plus dessin original
Where They the First to Discover the New World - or the Last ?

D-205, FEVRIER 1957

THE EARTH IN PERIL anthologie de Donald A. Wollheim, Couverture Emsh
Exciting Stories of Invaders from Space

WHO SPEAKS OF CONQUEST par Lan Wright, Couverture de Stanley Meltzoff
The Galaxy's Ultimatum was : "Earthmen, Go Back!"

D_211.jpg (72209 octets)D-211, AVRIL 1957

EYE IN THE SKY par Philip K. Dick Couverture de Valigursky (?)
Something Had Upset the Natural Laws of the Universe


D-215, AVRIL 1957

THREE TO CONQUER (Call Him Dead) par Eric Frank Russell, Couverture de Valigursky plus dessin original
Only One Man Knew the Invasion of Earth was ON!

DOONSDAY EVE par Robert Mooore Williams, Couverture de Robert Schulz and original cover drawing
Where these Strangers Impervious to H-Bombs ?

D-223, MAI 1957

THIS FORTRESS WORLD par James E. Gunn, Couverture de Emsh plus dessin original
To Keep His Secret was Deadly - To Dilvug it was Catastrophic !

THE 13TH IMMORTAL par Robert Silverberg Couverture, de Valigursky
Fugitive from Utopia

D-227, Juin 1957

CRISIS IN 2140 par H. Beam Piper & John J. McGuire, Couverture de Emsh plus dessin original
Black Market in Forbidden Knowledge

GUNNER CADE par C.M. Kornbluth & Judith Merrill, Couverture inconnu

D_233.jpg (57556 octets)D-233, JUIN 1957

FIRST ON MARS par Rex Gordon, Couverture de Emsh
The "Robinson Crusoe" of the Red Planet


D-237, AOUT 1957

MASTER OF LIFE AND DEATH par Robert Silverberg Couverture de Emsh
When the Earth Became Overpopulated

THE SECRET VISITORS (Tourist Planet) par James White Couverture de Schulz and original cover art.
They Put our World on Trial

S_66.jpg (55838 octets)S-66, Janvier 1964

RETURN TO TOMORROW par L. Ron Hubbard, Couverture ded Valigursky
They Came Back To Earth To Find a World of Hostile Strangers


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