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ΰ la liste "Pulps et Magazines Amιricains"
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149 - Octobre 1963, couverture de Chesley Bonestell
"Binary Star"
Girl of My Dreams Richard Matheson ss
Deluge [*People] Zenna Henderson nv
Faed-out Avram Davidson ss
Special Consent P. M. Hubbard ss
They Don't Make Life Like They Used To Alfred Bester nv
150 - Novembre 1963, couverture de Hannes Bok
plus dessins originaux
"A Rose for Ecclesiastes"
A Rose for Ecclesiastes Roger Zelazny nv
Mama Philip Winsor v
Wings of Song Lloyd Biggle
Winged Victory Sonya Dorman ss
Eight O'Clock in the Morning Ray Nelson ss
The Eyes of Phorkos ["The Resentment of Jimsy Carew"] L. E. Jones
151 - Dιcembre 1963, couverture de Emsh plus dessin original
"The Tree of Time"
The Tree of Time
[Part 1 of 2] Damon Knight
The Court of Tartary T. P. Caravan ss
The Eternal Lovers Robert F. Young ss
Pete Gets His Man J. P. Sellers ss
What Strange Stars and Skies Avram Davidson
152 - Janvier 1964, couverture de Emsh plus dessin
Pacifist Mack
Reynolds ss
Starlight Rhapsody Valentina Zhuravleva
The Follower Wenzell Brown ss
The Tree of Time [Part 2 of 2] Damon Knight
Thaw and Serve Allen Kim Lang ss
Nackles Curt Clark ss
The Book of Elijah Edward Wellen ss
Appointment at Ten O'Clock Robert Lory ss |
153 - Fιvrier 1964, couverture de Jack Gaughan
"The House By the Crab Apple Tree"
The House by the Crab Apple Tree S. S. Johnson
The Shepherd of Esdon Pen P. M. Hubbard ss
Nobody Starves Ron Goulart ss
One Hundred Days from Home Dean McLaughlin
Little Gregory Evelyn E. Smith nv
Burning Spear Kit Denton ss
In the Bag Laurence M. Janifer vi
Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming Doris Pitkin Buck ss |
154 - Mars 1964, couverture de Mel Hunter
Automatic Tiger Kit
Reed ss
Sacheverell Avram Davidson ss
Survival of the Fittest Jack Sharkey ssLord Arthur Savile's
Crime Oscar Wilde nv
Incident in the IND Harry Harrison ss
Humanoid Sacrifice J. T. McIntosh nv
The Shortest Science Fiction Love Story Ever Written Jeffrey Renner
The Conventional Approach Robert Bloch ss
The Lost Leonardo J. G. Ballard ss |
155 - Avril 1964, couverture de Jack Gaughan
Fred One James Ransom
Beware of the Dog Gahan Wilson vi
Sun Creation B. Traven ss
Welcome, Comrade Simon Bagley nv
Urgent Message for Mr. Prosser J. P. Sellers
The Crazy Mathematician R. Underwood ss
Fanzine Fanfaronade Terry Carr ss
The Compleat Consumators Alan E. Nourse
Into the Shop Ron Goulart ss
Oreste Henry Shultz nv |
156 - Mai 1964, couverture de Emsh
"The Illuminated Man" plus dessin original
The Illuminated Man
J. G. Ballard nv
Three Times Around Jane Roberts ss
You Have to Stay Inside Calvin W. Demmon
No Place Like Where Robert M. Green, Jr. ss
A Red Heart and Blue Roses Mildred Clingerman ss A Cupful of
Space, Ballantine, 1961
Sea Wrack Edward Jesby nv
Mar-ti-an Robert Lory ss
Touchstone Terry Carr ss
The New Encyclopaedist Stephen Becker vi
Cantabile Jon DeCles ss |
157 - Juin 1964, couverture de Emsh
"The Triumph of Pegasus"
The Triumph of Pegasus
Frank A. Javor nv
The Master of Altamira Stephen Barr ss
The Peace Watchers Bryce Walton ss
Trade-In Jack Sharkey ss
Cynosure Kit Reed ss
The Third Bubble [*Mad Friend] G. C. Edmondson
The Thing from Outer Space and the Prairie Dogs Gahan Wilson vi
Forwarding Service Willard Marsh ss, 1963
The Unknown Law Avram Davidson nv |
158 - Juillet 1964, couverture de Emsh
"Cantata 140"
Cantata 140 [*Jim
Briskin] Philip K. Dick na
The Second Philadelphia Experiment Robert F. Young ss
The Scientist and the Monster Gahan Wilson
The Happy Place Toni Heller Lamb vi
The Salvation of Faust Roger Zelazny vi
The Struldbrugg Reaction John Sutherland s
The Girl With the 100 Proof Eyes Ron Webb
We Serve the Star of Freedom [*Stars] Jane Beauclerk ss |
159 - Aoϋt 1964, couverture de James Roth
Poor Planet J. T.
McIntosh nv
Nada Thomas M. Disch ss
A Nice, Shady Place Dennis Etchison ss, 1963
Redman Robert M. Lipsyte & Thomas Rogers
When the Change-Winds Blow [*Change War] Fritz Leiber ss
In the Calendar of Saints Leonard Tushnet ss |
160 - Septembre 1964, couverture de Mel Hunter
Chameleon [*Ben Jolson]
Ron Goulart ss
A Miracle Too Many Philip H. Smith & Alan E. Nourse ss
Slips Take Over Miriam Allen deFord ss
Olsen and the Gull Eric St. Clair ss
Four Brands of Impossible Norman Kagan nv
The New Encyclopaedist II Stephen Becker
Elementary Laurence M. Janifer & Michael Kurland
The Deepest Blue in the World S. Dorman ss
Inconceivably Yours Willard Marsh ss
The Star Party Robert Lory ss
A Crown of Rank Fumiter Vance Aandahl ss |
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