Banniθre ISFDB pour Weird Tales. Avec la permission de l'auteur et du
Banner from ISFDB for Weird Tales. With permission from the author and the owner.
Annιe 1923
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Toutes les pages consacrιes au
magazine Weird Tales n'ont pu κtre crιes que grβce ΰ l'amabilitι et la
gentillesse de Jean-Paul Corne de Paris et Christophe Burg de Toulouse qui ont
bien voulu me transmettre un nombre important de scans de couverture de ce
magazine. Je les en remercie vivement. Je n'oublie pas aussi Eric Vignolles, l'heureux
propriιtaire du numιro un, pour sa contribution importante aux pages consacrιes ΰ
cette revue.
mars - N° 1
Couverture de R.R. Epperly
The Dead Man's Tale Willard
E. Hawkins ss
Ooze Anthony M. Rud nv
The Thing of a Thousand Shapes [Part 1 of 2] Otis Adelbert Kline nv
The Mystery of Black Jean Julian Kilman ss
The Grave Orville R. Emerson ss
Hark! The Rattle! Joel Townsley Rogers ss
The Ghost Guard Bryan Irvine ss
The Ghoul and the Corpse G. A. Wells ss
Fear David R. Solomon ss
The Chain Hamilton Craigie ss
The Place of Madness Merlin Moore Taylor ss
The Closing Hand Farnsworth Wright vi
The Unknown Beast Howard Ellis Davis ss
The Basket Herbert J. Mangham ss
The Accusing Voice Meredith Davis nv
The Sequel [*Fortuna] Walter Scott Story vi
The Weaving Shadows W. H. Holmes ss
Nimba, the Cave Girl R. T. M. Scott ss
The Young Man Who Wanted to Die Anon. ss
The Scarlet Night William Sanford ss
The Extraordinary Experiment of Dr. Calgroni Joseph Faus & James Bennett
Wooding ss
The Return of Paul Slavsky George Warburton Lewis ss
The House of
Death F. Georgia Stroup ss
The Gallows I. W. D. Peters ss
The Skull Harold Ward ss The Ape-Man James B. M. Clark, Jr. ss
Couverture de R.M. Mally
The Scar Carl Rasmus nv
Beyond the Door J. Paul Suter ss
The Tortoise Shell Comb Roylston Markham ss
The Living Nightmare Anton M. Oliver ss
The Incubus Hamilton Craigie ss
The Bodymaster Harold Ward nv
Jungle Death Artemus Calloway ss
The Snake Fiend Farnsworth Wright ss
A Square of Canvas Anthony M. Rud ss
The Affair of the Man in Scarlet Julian Kilman ss
The Hideous Face Victor Johns ss
The Forty Jars Ray McGillivray ss
The Wish Myrtle Levy Gaylord vi
The Whispering Thing [Part 1 of 2] Laurie McClintock & Culpeper Chunn na
The Thing of a Thousand Shapes [Part 2 of 2] Otis Adelbert Kline nv
The Conquering Will Ted Olson ss
Six Feet of WillowGreen Carroll K. Michener ss
The Hall of the Dead Francis D. Grierson ss
The Parlor Cemetery C. E. Howard ss
Couverture de Heitman
The Moon Terror [Part 1 of 2] A. G. Birch na
The Secret Fear Kenneth Duane Whipple ss
Jungle Beasts William P. Barron ss
The Golden Caverns Julian Kilman nv
Vials of Insects Paul Ellsworth Triem ss
An Eye for an Eye G. W. Crane ss
The Floor Above M. Humphreys ss
Penelope Vincent Starrett ss
The Purple Heart Herman Sisk ss
Feline Bruce Grant vi
Two Hours of Death E. Thayles Emmons ss
Midnight Black Hamilton Craigie ss
The Haunted and the Haunters Edward Bulwer-Lytton nv
The Whispering Thing [Part 2 of 2] Laurie McClintock & Culpeper Chunn na
The Death Cell F. K. Moss ss
The Devil Plant Lyle Wilson Holden ss
Hootch William Sanford vi
The Thunder Voice F. Walter Wilson ss
Case No. 27 Mollie Frank Ellis ss
The Finale William Merrit ss
The Closed Cabinet Anon. nv |
Couverture de Heitman
The Evening Wolves [Part 1 of 2] Paul
Ellsworth Triem nv
Desert Madness Harold Freeman Miners nv
The Jailer of Souls [1] Hamilton Craigie nv
Jack O' Mystery Edwin McLaren ss
Osiris Adam Hull Shirk ss
The Well Julian Kilman ss
The Phantom Wolfhound Otis Adelbert Kline
The Murders in the Rue Morgue Edgar Allan Poe
The Moon Terror [Part 2 of 2] A. G. Birch na
The Man the Law Forgot Walter Noble Burns ss
The Blade of Vengeance George Warburton Lewis ss
The Gray Death Loual B. Sugarman ss
The Voice in the Fog Henry Leverage ss
The Invisible Terror Hugh Thomason ss
The Escape Helen Rowe Henze ss
The Siren Tarleton Collier ss
The Madman Herbert Hipwell ss
The Chair Dr. Harry E. Mereness ss
Couverture de Mally
Sunfire [Part 1 of 2] Francis Stevens na
The Outcasts George Warburton Lewis ss
The Room of the Black Velvet Drapes B. W. Sliney ss
Doctor X Culpeper Chunn ss
The Two Men Who Murdered Each Other Valma Clark nv
The Strange Case of Jacob Arum John Harris Burland nv
Black Cunjer Isabel Walker ss
Shades Bryan Irvine ss
Senorita Serpente Earl Wayland Bowman ss
The Room in the Tower D. L. Radway ss
Riders in the Dark Vincent Starrett ss
Mandrake Adam Hull Shirk ss
People vs. Bland Theodore Snow Wood ss
The Evening Wolves [Part 2 of 2] Paul Ellsworth Triem nv
The Corpse on the Third Slab Otis Adelbert Kline ss
The Guard of Honor J. Paul Suter ss |
Couverture ?
The People of the Comet [Part 1 of 2] Austin
Hall na
The Black Patch Julian Kilman ss
The Soul of Peter Andrus Hubert La Due ss
The Case of Dr. Johnstone Burton Peter Thom
The Dead-Naming of Lukapehu P. D. Gog vi
The Cup of Blood Otis Adelbert Kline ss
The Devil's Cabin Vance Hoyt ss
The Old Burying Ground Edgar Lloyd Hampton nv
Sunfire [Part 2 of 2] Francis Stevens na
The Gorilla Horatio Vernon Ellis ss
The Talisman Nadia Lavrova ss
The Autobiography of a Blue Ghost Don Mark Lemon ss
The Damned Thing Ambrose Bierce ss
The Teak-Wood Shrine Farnsworth Wright ss
The Money Lender Vincent Starrett ss
The Bloodstained Parasol James Ravenscroft ss |
Couverture ?
The Amazing Adventure of Joe
Scranton [Part 1 of 2] Effie W. Fifield nv
The Phantom Farm House Seabury Quinn nv
Dagon H. P. Lovecraft ss
The Man Who Owned the World Frank Owen
Grey Sleep Charles Horn ss
The People of the Comet [Part 2 of 2] Austin Hall
The Sign from Heaven A. Havdal ss
The Inn of Dread Arthur Edwards Chapman ss
The Hairy Monster Neil Miller ss
Devil Manor E. B. Jordan nv
The Case of the Golden Lilly [*Paul Pry] Francis D. Grierson ss
An Adventure in the Fourth Dimension Farnsworth Wright ss
The Pit and the Pendulum Edgar Allan Poe ss
After the Storm Sarah Harbine Weaver ss |
Couverture ?
Draconda [Part 1 of 6] John
Martin Leahy n
The Crawling Death P. A. Connolly nv
The Closed Room Maebelle McCalment ss
The Phantom Violinist Walter F. McCanless ss
Lucifer John D. Swain ss
The Spider Arthur Edwards Chapman ss
The Amazing Adventure of Joe Scranton [Part 2 of 2] Effie W. Fifield
The Iron Room [*Paul Pry] Francis D. Grierson ss
Prisoners of the Dead J. Paul Suter ss
The Death Pit Oscar Schisgall nv
The Wax Image Burton Harcourt ss
Poisoned Farnsworth Wright ss
The Magic Mirror Mary S. Brown ss
The Invisible Monster [ghost written by H. P. Lovecraft] Sonia H. Greene
The Pebble Prophecy Valens Lapsley ss
The Tell-Tale Heart Edgar Allan Poe ss
The Survivor Edwin G. Wood vi |
Page suivante
Annιe : 1923,
1924, 1925,
1926, 1927,
1928, 1929,
1930, 1931,
1932, 1933,
1934, 1935,
1936, 1937,
1938, 1939,

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