Annιe 1930
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Couverture de C.C. Senf
The Curse of the House
of Phipps [*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn nv
The Bird-People Otis Adelbert Kline nv
The Net of Shamlegh Edgar Gardiner ss
The Life-Masters Edmond Hamilton nv
The Murderer Murray Leinster ss
Behind the Moon [Part 2 of 3] W. Elwyn Backus
Dead Girl Finotte [*Mynheer Amayat] H. de
Vere Stacpoole ss
Newgate Ghost William R. Hickey ss
The Red Fetish Frank Belknap Long, Jr. ss
A Matter of Sight August W. Derleth ss
The Tabernacle Henry S. Whitehead ss
A Descent into the Maelstrφm Edgar Allan Poe ss |
Couverture de Hugh Rankin
Thirsty Blades Otis Adelbert Kline & E.
Hoffmann Price nv
The Comet-Drivers [*Interstellar Patrol] Edmond Hamilton nv
The Black Monarch [Part 1 of 5] Paul Ernst
The Curse Kiss Theodore Roscoe ss Piecemeal Oscar Cook ss
Behind the Moon [Part 3 of 3] W. Elwyn Backus
The Daughter of Isis Hal K. Wells ss
The Falling Knife Harold Markham ss
The Lilac Bush August W. Derleth vi
The Fearsome Touch of Death Robert E. Howard ss
A Ghost ["An Apparition"] Guy de Maupassant ss |
Couverture de C.C. Senf
The Drums of Damballah
[*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn nv
In Letters of Fire Gaston Leroux ss
The Haunted Chessmen E. R. Punshon ss
The Flowing Death Arlton Eadie nv
The Third Man George Norsworthy ss
The Black Monarch [Part 2 of 5] Paul Ernst n
The Pacer August W. Derleth & Marc R. Schorer
Gerard 7932 Sarah Newmeyer ss
The Thought-Monster Amelia Reynolds Long ss
The Sunken Land George W. Bayly ss
Couverture de Hugh Rankin
The Dust of Egypt [*Jules de Grandin]
Seabury Quinn nv
The Portrait August W. Derleth ss
The Shut Room [*Gerald Canevin] Henry S. Whitehead nv
Creation Unforgivable David H. Keller ss
The Plant Revolt Edmond Hamilton nv
The Black Monarch [Part 3 of 5] Paul Ernst
Silver Bullets Jeremy Ellis ss
Suzanne J. Joseph-Renaud ss
Dread at Darracombe Violet M. Methley ss
Sola W. K. Mashburn, Jr. ss
The Signal-Man Charles Dickens ss |
Couverture de C.C. Senf
The Brain-Thief [*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn
The Sun People [*Interstellar Patrol] Edmond Hamilton nv
River of Lost Souls R. C. Sandison ss
The End of the Story Clark Ashton Smith nv
The Land of Lur Earl Leaston Bell ss
The Black Monarch [Part 4 of 5] Paul Ernst
Light-Echoes Everil Worrell ss
The Whistler August W. Derleth ss
The Footprint G. G. Pendarves ss
Seven Drops of Blood H. F. Jamison ss
The Magic Egg Frank R. Stockton ss
Couverture de Hugh Rankin
The Moon of Skulls [Part 1 of 2; *Solomon
Kane] Robert E. Howard na
Haunted Hands Jack Bradley ss
The Empty Road Wallace West ss
In the Borderland Pedro Diaz ss
The Planet of Horror Wilford Allen ss
The Last Incantation [*Malygris] Clark Ashton Smith ss
The Priestess of the Ivory Feet [*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn nv
Across the Hall August W. Derleth ss
The Black Monarch [Part 5 of 5] Paul Ernst n.
The Frog Granville S. Hoss ss
James Lamp E. F. Benson ss
The Magic-Maker Amelia Reynolds Long ss
The Rats in the Walls H. P. Lovecraft ss |
Couverture de CC Serif
The Bride of Dewer [*Jules de
Grandin] Seabury Quinn nv
The Bagheeta Val Lewton ss
The Haunted Wood of Adoure Elliot O'Donnell
The Green Flame Donald Wandrei vi
Earthworms of Karma [Part 1 of 3]
Lon Dexter
The Black Druid Frank Belknap Long, Jr. ss
The Death Lord Edmond Hamilton nv
The Moon of Skulls [Part 2 of 2; *Solomon Kane] Robert E. Howard
The Ruling Passion C. Henry ss
The Man Who Walked Upon the Air Charles Hilan Craig vi
Dead Man's
Fingers Harold Simpson ss
Sadastor Clark Ashton Smith vi
A Child's Dream of a Star Charles Dickens vi |
Couverture de Hugh Rankin
The Curse of Ximu-tal Harry Noyes Pratt ss
The Hills of the Dead [*Solomon Kane] Robert E. Howard ss
Pigmy Island Edmond Hamilton nv
Daughter of the Moonlight [*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn nv
The Law of the Hills Grace M. Campbell ss
The Electric Executioner Adolphe de Castro
Earthworms of Karma [Part 2 of 3] Lon Dexter na
The Hound of Duncardin Arlton Eadie ss
"Just a Song at Twilight" August W. Derleth ss
The Permanent Stiletto ["A Peculiar Case of Surgery"] W.
C. Morrow
Couverture de CC Serif
The Invisible Bond CArlton
Eadie ss
The Invading Madness H. F. Scotten nv
Another Dracula? [Part 1 of 2] Ralph Milne Farley na
The House of the Golden Eyes Theda Kenyon
Guardians of the Guavas Charles Henry Mackintosh ss
A Visitor From Egypt Frank Belarusse Long, Jr.
The Phantoms of the Fire Clark Ashton Smith ss
Earthworms of Karma
[Part 3 of 3] Lon Dexter na
The Flame Fiend N. J. O'Neail ss
Gesture Gertrude Macaulay Sutton ss
The Tree of Life Paul Ernst ss
The Phantom Bus W. Elwyn Backus ss
Beyond the Door J. Paul Suter ss |
Couverture de Hugh Rankin
The Druid's Shadow [*Jules de Grandin]
Seabury Quinn nv
The Bride Well [*Cecil of Cornwall] David H. Keller ss
Mrs. Bentley's Daughter August W. Derleth ss
The Portal to Power [Part 1 of 4] Greye La Spina n.
The Mind-Master Edmond Hamilton ss
The Grave at Goonhilly G. G. Pendarves ss
The Silver Curse of Yarlik V. K. Kaledin ss
Another Dracula? [Part 2 of 2] Ralph Milne Farley na
The House of the Skull Arlton Eadie ss
The Jelly-Fish Francis Flagg vi
The Last Incarnation Wallace West ss
A Dying Man's Confession Mark Twain ss |
Couverture de C.C. Serif
A Million Years After Katharine Metcalf Roof ss
Tales of the Werewolf Clan: 1. The Master Strikes [*Master] H. Warner
Munn ss
The Uncharted Isle Clark Ashton Smith ss
Kings of the Night [*Bran Mak Morn; *Kull] Robert E. Howard nv
The Cosmic Cloud Edmond Hamilton nv
Stealthy Death [*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn nv
The Portal to Power [Part 2 of 4] Greye La Spina n.
The Debt Eric A. Leyland ss
A Message From Mars Derek Ironside ss
Siesta Alexander L. Kielland ss |
Couverture de Hugh Rankin
The Wolf of St. Bonnot [*Jules de Grandin]
Seabury Quinn nv
Burnt Things Robert C. Sandison ss
The Crime on Christmas Night [*Capt. Michel] Gaston Leroux; trans. by
Morris Bentinck ss
Something From Above Donald Wandrei nv
The Primeval Pit B. Wallis nv
Tales of the Werewolf Clan: 2. The Master Fights [*Master] H. Warner
Munn nv
Men of Steel Ainslee Jenkins ss
The Portal to Power [Part 3 of 4] Greye La Spina n.
The Boat on the Beach Kadra Maysi ss
Lucifer John D. Swain ss |
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Annιe :
1923, 1924,
1925, 1926,
1927, 1928,
1929, 1930, 1931,
1932, 1933,
1934, 1935,
1936, 1937,
1938, 1939,

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