Annιe 1932
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Couverture de C.C. Senf
The Monster of the
Prophecy Clark Ashton Smith
From the Dark Halls of Hell G. G. Pendarves
Those Who Seek August W. Derleth ss
The Malignant Invader Frank Belknap Long, Jr.
The Haunted Chair [Part 2 of 3] Gaston Leroux
The Head S. B. H. Hurst ss
The Dragon Girl Edith de Garis ss
The Ring J. M. Fry ss
Abductor Minimi Digit Ralph Milne Farley vi
Mive Carl Jacobi ss
The Silver Knife Ralph Allen Lang ss
The Ordeal of Wooden Face Hal K. Wells vi
The Wolf-Leader [Part 6 of 8] Alexandre Dumas n. |
Couverture de C.C. Serif
The Devil's Bride [Part 1 of 6;
*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn n.
Night and Silence Maurice Level ss
The Three From the Tomb Edmond Hamilton
Devouring Shadows N. J. O'Neail nv
The Thing on the Roof Robert E. Howard ss
The Tree-Men of M'bwa Donald Wandrei ss
The Laughing Duke Wallace G. West nv
The Haunted Chair [Part 3 of 3] Gaston Leroux na
The Horror in the Hold Frank Belknap Long, Jr. ss
The Wolf-Leader [Part 7 of 8] Alexandre Dumas n.
Dream Justice E. W. Mayo vi |
Couverture de C.C Senf
The Vengeance of Ixmal
Kirk Mashburn nv
The House of the Living Dead Harold Ward nv
The Man Who Played With Time A. W. Bernal
The Answer of the Dead J. Paul Suter ss
Island of Doom Bassett Morgan ss
The Planet of the Dead Clark Ashton Smith ss
The Devil's Bride [Part 2 of 6; *Jules de Grandin] Seabury
Quinn n.
Flight James W. Bennett & Soong Kwen-Ling ss
The Milk Carts Violet M. Methley ss; given as by Violet A.
The Thing in the Cellar David H. Keller ss
Laughter in the Night August W. Derleth & Mark Schorer ss
The Wolf-Leader [Part 8 of 8] Alexandre Dumas n |
Couverture de C.C. Serif
The Red Witch Nictzin Dyalhis nv
In the Vault H. P. Lovecraft ss
The Earth-Brain Edmond Hamilton nv
Mrs. Lorriquer [*Gerald Canevin] Henry S. Whitehead nv
The Vrykolakas Robert C. Sandison ss
The Witch-Doctor Edgar Gardiner ss
The Devil's Bride [Part 3 of 6; *Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn
Conjure Bag Kadra Maysi ss
The Gorgon Clark Ashton Smith ss
In the Microcosmos Richard H. Hart ss
Midnight Madness Otis Adelbert Kline vi
Berenice Edgar Allan Poe ss |
Couverture de C.C. Serif
The Brotherhood of Blood
Hugh B. Cave nv
The Vaults of Yoh-Vombis Clark Ashton Smith
The Terror Planet Edmond Hamilton nv The Last Magician David H.
Keller ss
The Nameless Mummy Arlton Eadie nv
The Horror From the Mound Robert E. Howard
The Devil's Bride [Part 4 of 6; *Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn n
The Broken Thread Kirk Mashburn ss
Frankenstein [Part 1 of 8; *Frankenstein (& monster)] Mary W.
Shelley n
The Bishop Sees Through August W. Derleth ss |
Couverture de J. Allen St John
The Devil's Pool Greye La Spina na
Black Invocation Paul Ernst ss
In the Left Wing August W. Derleth & Mark Schorer ss
The Siren of the Snakes Arlton Eadie ss
The Brain-Eaters Frank Belknap Long, Jr. ss
The Devil's Bride Seabury Quinn n.
The Ghoul Gallery Hugh B. Cave ss
The Weird of Avoosl Wuthoqquan Clark Ashton Smith ss
Frankenstein Mary W. Shelley n
Couverture de C.C. Senf
The Phantom Hand [Part 1
of 5] Victor Rousseau n.
The Man Who Never Came Back Pearl Norton Swet ss
Wings in the Night [*Solomon Kane] Robert E. Howard nv
The Planet of Peace Arlton Eadie nv
The City of Crawling Death Hugh B. Cave nv
The Thought-Devil A. W. Calder ss
The Devil's Bride Seabury Quinn n.
The Splendid Lie S. B. H. Hurst vi
Dust Edna Goit Brintnall ss
House of the Lizard Harold Ward ss
Frankenstein Mary W. Shelley n
Couverture de T. Wyatt Nelson
The Bride of the Peacock E. Hoffmann Price
The Lair of the Star-Spawn August W. Derleth & Mark Schorer
The Maker of Gargoyles Clark Ashton Smith
A Midnight Confession J. Paul Suter ss
The Dark Ange Seabury Quinn nv
The Phantom Hand [Part 2 of 5] Victor Rousseau n.
No Eye-Witnesses Henry S. Whitehead ss
Frankenstein Mary W. Shelley n
Couverture de Margaret Brundage
The Altar of Melek Taos G.
G. Pendarves nv
The Ravening Monster Harold Ward nv
The Sheraton Mirror August W.
Derleth ss
The Empire of the Necromancers [*Zothique] Clark Ashton Smith
The Last of Placide's Wife [*Nita Duboin] Kirk Mashburn nv
The Eye of Truth Arlton Eadie nv
The Phantom Hand [Part 3 of 5] Victor Rousseau n.
Over Time's
Threshold Howard Wandrei ss
The Death Mist Captain George H. Daugherty, Jr. ss
Frankenstein [Part 5 of 8; *Frankenstein (& monster)] Mary W.
Shelley n |
Couverture de Margaret Brundage
The Heart of Siva Seabury Quinn n
Demons of the Film Colony Theodore LeBerthon
The Wand of Doom Jack Williamson nv
The Dogs of Doctor Dwann Edmond Hamilton
The Testament of Athammaus Clark Ashton Smith ss
Spawn of Inferno Hugh B. Cave ss
The Phantom Hand [Part 4 of 5] Victor Rousseau n
Red Hands August W. Derleth & Mark Schorer ss
Frankenstein Mary W. Shelley n
Couverture de J. Allen St John
Buccaneers of Venus [Part
1 of 6; *Robert Grandon] Otis Adelbert Kline n.
Worms of the Earth [*Bran Mak Morn] Robert E. Howard nv
The Bleeding Mummy [*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn nv
Spawn of the Shadows William H. Pope nv
The Whistle Ralph Milne Farley ss
Vampire Village Hugh Davidson ss
The Phantom Hand [Part 5 of 5] Victor Rousseau n.
The Supernumerary Corpse ss
This Side of the Curtain Renier Wyers ss
Frankenstein [Part 7 of 8; *Frankenstein (& monster)]
Mary W. Shelley
Couverture de Allen St. John
The Door to Yesterday [*Jules
de Grandin] Seabury Quinn nv
The Man Who Conquered Age Edmond Hamilton nv
The Phoenix on the Sword [*Conan] Robert E. Howard nv
The Quick and the Dead Vincent Starrett ss
Buccaneers of Venus [Part 2 of 6; *Robert Grandon] Otis Adelbert
Kline n
The Lives of Alfred Kramer Donald Wandrei ss
Frankenstein [Part 8 of 8; *Frankenstein (& monster)] Mary W.
Shelley n |
prιcιdente -- Page suivante
Annιe :
1923, 1924,
1925, 1926,
1927, 1928,
1929, 1930,
1931, 1932, 1933,
1934, 1935,
1936, 1937,
1938, 1939,

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