Annιe 1936
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Couverture de Margaret Brundage
A Rival from the Grave
[*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn nv
The Satin Mask August W. Derleth ss
Horror Insured [*Dr. Satan] Paul
Ernst nv
The Dark Land [*Jirel of Joiry] C. L. Moore nv
The Hour of the Dragon [Part 2 of 5; *Conan] Robert E. Howard n.
Rendezvous Richard H. Hart ss
Return to Death J. Wesley Rosenquest ss
They Robert Barbour Johnson vi
Dagon H. P. Lovecraft ss |
Couverture de Margaret Brundage
Coils of the Silver Serpent
Forbes Parkhill nv
Yvala [*Northwest Smith] C. L. Moore nv
Wife of the Dragon-Fly Paul
Ernst ss
The Man Who Would Not Die Frank Owen ss
The Hour of the Dragon [Part 3 of 5; *Conan] Robert E. Howard n.
Norn Lireve Monet nv
A Visitor from Far Away Loretta G. Burrough
The Man on the Platform Theodore Tinsley vi
A Dream of Death Andrew Daw ss
The Temple H. P. Lovecraft |
Couverture de Margaret Brundage
The Albino Deaths Ronal
Kayser nv
The Crystal Curse [by Earl Binder & Otto Binder] Eando
Binder nv
Beyond Death's Gateway [*Dr. Satan] Paul Ernst
The Black Abbot of Puthuum [*Zothique] Clark Ashton Smith nv
The Hour of the Dragon [Part 4 of 5; *Conan] Robert E. Howard n
In the World's Dusk Edmond Hamilton ss
The Ship that Committed Suicide A. J. Mordtmann ss
The Graveyard Rats
Henry Kuttner ss
Homecoming Day Jay Wilmer Benjamin ss
A Masterpiece of Crime Jean Richepin |
Couverture de Margaret Brundage
The Ruler
of Fate [Part 1 of 3] Jack Williamson
The Face in the Wind Carl Jacobi nv
Son of Satan Arlton Eadie nv
They Shall Rise August W. Derleth & Mark Schorer ss
The Hour of the Dragon [Part 5 of 5; *Conan] Robert E. Howard n
The Druidic Doom Robert Bloch ss
The Call in the Night Chandler H. Whipple ss
The Rajah's Gift E. Hoffmann Price ss

Couverture de Margaret Brundage
The Devil's Double [*Dr. Satan] Paul Ernst
The Room of Shadows Arthur J. Burks nv
The Ruler of Fate [Part 2 of 3] Jack Williamson
The Faceless God Robert Bloch ss
Strange Interval Seabury Quinn nv
Child of the Winds Edmond Hamilton ss
The Horror Undying Manly Wade Wellman ss
Attorney for the Damned Renier Wyers ss
Lesandro's Familiar August W. Derleth ss
The Red Brain Donald Wandrei ss
Couverture de Margaret Brundage
Loot of the Vampire [Part 1 of 2; *Peters &
Ethredge] Thorp McClusky na
Black Canaan Robert E. Howard nv
The House of the Evil Eye Hugh
Davidson nv
The Telephone in the Library August W. Derleth
The Grinning Ghoul Robert Bloch ss
The Ruler of Fate [Part 3 of 3] Jack Williamson
Mordecai's Pipe A.
V. Milyer vi
Harold G. Shane ss
The Harbor of Ghosts M. J. Bardine ss
The Brain in the Jar Norman Elwood Hammerstrom & Richard F. Searight ss
Couverture de Margaret Brundage
Necromancy in Naat [*Zothique] Clark Ashton
Smith ss
Red Nails [Part 1 of 3; *Conan] Robert E. Howard na
When the World Slept Edmond Hamilton ss
The Unborn Ronal Kayser ss
Loot of the Vampire [Part 2 of 2; *Peters & Ethredge] Thorp McClusky na
Lost Paradise [*Northwest Smith] C. L. Moore nv
The Return of Sarah Purcell August W. Derleth ss
Kharu Knows All Renier Wyers ss
The Kelpie Manly Wade Wellman ss
The Snakeskin Cigar-Case Bodo Wildberg; trans. by Roy Temple House
The Ring of Thoth A. Conan Doyle ss |
Couverture de Margaret Brundage
The Door into Infinity Edmond Hamilton nv
Mask of Death [*Dr. Satan] Paul Ernst nv
Werewolf of the Sahara G. G. Pendarves nv
The Medici Boots Pearl Norton Swet ss
Red Nails [Part 2 of 3; *Conan] Robert E. Howard na
Death Holds the Post August W. Derleth & Mark Schorer ss
The Diary of Philip Westerly Paul Compton ss
In the Dark Ronal Kayser ss
Four Wooden Stakes Victor Rowan ss |
Couverture de J. Allen St. John
Isle of the Undead Lloyd Arthur Eshbach nv
The Opener of the Way Robert Bloch ss
The Lost Door Dorothy Quick nv
Doom of the House of Duryea Earl Peirce, Jr.
The Tree of Life [*Northwest Smith] C. L. Moore
Red Nails [Part 3 of 3; *Conan] Robert E. Howard na
The Doors of Death Arthur B. Waltermire ss
The Secret of Kralitz Henry Kuttner ss
The Great Keinplatz Experiment Arthur Conan Doyle ss |
Couverture de Margaret Brundage
Witch-House [*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn
Black Hound of Death Robert E. Howard nv
The Crawling Horror Thorp McClusky nv
The Man in Black Paul Ernst ss
The Dark Demon Robert Bloch ss
Midas Bassett Morgan ss
Mice Robert Barbour Johnson ss
The Blue Room Gordon Philip England ss
Brother Lucifer Chandler H. Whipple ss
Pickman's Model H. P. Lovecraft ss
Couverture de J. Allen St. John
The Fire of Asshurbanipal Robert E. Howard
Out of the Sun Granville S. Hoss ss
The Haunter of the Dark H. P. Lovecraft nv
Portrait of a Murderer John Russell Fearn ss
Mother of Serpents Robert Bloch ss
The Cyclops of Xoatl [*Bart Leslie] Otis Adelbert Kline & E. Hoffmann
Price nv
The Woman at Loon Point August W. Derleth & Mark Schorer ss
The Album Amelia Reynolds Long ss
The Theater Upstairs Manly Wade Wellman ss
It Walks by Night Henry Kuttner ss
A Passion in the Desert Honorι de Balzac ss |
Intιrieures contenues dans le ou les numιros ci-dessus
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Annιe :
1923, 1924,
1925, 1926,
1927, 1928,
1929, 1930,
1931, 1932,
1933, 1934,
1935, 1936,
1937, 1938,
1940-1941, 1942-1943,

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