Annιe 1927
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Couverture de C. Barker Petrie, Jr.
Drome [Part 1 of 5]
John Martin Leahy n.
The Last Horror Eli Colter nv
The Night Rider August W. Derleth vi
The Fourth Victim Gordon Philip England ss
The Horror at Red Hook H. P. Lovecraft nv
The Lost Race Robert E. Howard ss
The Major's Menagerie Victor Rousseau ss
Leonora Everil Worrell ss
The Dream Pedler Frank Owen ss
The Star Shell [Part 3 of 4] Geo. C. & B. Wallis na
Ye Goode Olde Ghoste Storie William A. P. White vi
The Dream Woman Wilkie Collins
Couverture de C. Barker Petrie, Jr
The Man Who Cast No Shadow [*Jules de Grandin]
Seabury Quinn nv
The Atomic Conquerors Edmond Hamilton nv
The Brimstone Cat Ellen M. Ramsay nv
Drome [Part 2 of 5] John Martin Leahy n
The Fetish of the Waxworks [*Dr. Ivan Brodsky Surgeon of Souls] Victor
Rousseau ss
The Church Stove at Raebrudafisk G. Appleby Terrill ss The Head
Bassett Morgan ss
The Unearthly Don Robert Catlin ss
The Sign of the Seven Skulls A. L. Smith ss
The River August W. Derleth ss
The Girdle Joseph McCord ss
The Star Shell [Part 4 of 4] Geo. C. & B. Wallis na
The Lady of the Velvet Collar Washington Irving ss |
Couverture de CC Serif
The City of Glass Joel
Martin Nichols, Jr. nv
The Blood-Flower [*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn nv
The Seventh Symphony [*Dr. Ivan Brodsky Surgeon of Souls] Victor
Rousseau ss
Evolution Island Edmond Hamilton nv
Soul-Catcher Robert S. Carr ss
The Greatest Gift Eli Colter ss
Guarded Sewell Peaslee Wright ss
The Sacred Jars Oscar Cook ss
The White Ship H. P. Lovecraft ss
Drome [Part 3 of 5] John Martin Leahy n.
Lazarus Leonid Andreyeff ss, 1906 |
Couverture de CC Serif
Explorers Into Infinity [Part
1 of 3; *Martt & Bartt Gryce] Ray Cummings na
The Castle of Tamara Maria Moravsky ss
The Endocrine Monster R. Anthony ss
The Ruler of Destiny Charles Hilan Craig ss
Out of the Earth Flavia Richardson ss
The Return [as by Marjory E. Lambe] G. G. Pendarves ss Shadows Cast
Behind Otto E. A. Schmidt ss
The Chairs of Stuyvesant Baron Victor Rousseau ss
The Youth-Maker W. Elwyn Bacchus ss
Windows of Destiny James B. M. Clark, Jr. nv
Faces Arthur J. Burks ss
Drome [Part 4 of 5] John Martin Leahy n.
Markheim Robert Louis Stevenson ss |
Couverture de CC Serif
The Master of Doom Donald E. Keyhoe nv
The Veiled Prophetess [*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn nv
The Man Who Lost His Luck [*Dr. Ivan Brodsky Surgeon of Souls] Victor
Rousseau ss
The Crooked Smile Bryan Irvine ss
Explorers Into Infinity [Part 2 of 3; *Martt & Bartt Gryce] Ray Cummings
Listening Death Don Robert Catlin ss
In Kashla's Garden Oscar Schisgall ss
From the Pit Adam Hull Shirk nv
The Black Castle Marc R. Schorer & August W. Derleth ss
Drome [Part 5 of 5] John Martin Leahy n
Phantom Fingers Robert S. Carr ss
Young Goodman Brown Nathaniel Hawthorne ss |
Couverture de CC Serif
A Suitor From the Shades Greye La Spina
The Dark Chrysalis [Part 1 of 3] Eli Colter na
The Fourth Dimension Charles Ford vi
The Arctic Death [*Charles Breinbar] Wilford Allen ss
Out of the Grave Eldridge Morton ss
The Left Eye Henry S. Whitehead ss
The Man Who Was Damned Charlton Lawrence Edholm ss
The Choking of Allison Grey Guy Pain ss
Explorers Into Infinity [Part 3 of 3; *Martt & Bartt Gryce] Ray Cummings
The Dream That Came True [*Dr. Ivan Brodsky Surgeon of Souls] Victor
Rousseau ss
The Land of Creeping Death Edna Bell Seward ss
The Song of Triumphant Love Ivan Turgenieff ss (r) |
Couverture de CC Serif
The Return of the Master
[*Master] H. Warner Munn nv
Gray Ghouls Bassett Morgan nv
The Impossible Don Robert Catlin ss The Unchained Devil Roscoe
Gilmore Stott ss
The Curse of Everard Maundy [*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn nv
Tangled Skeins Mary McEnnery Erhard ss
The Ultimate Problem [*Dr. Ivan Brodsky Surgeon of Souls] Victor
Rousseau ss
The El Dorado of Death Percy B. Prior ss
The Mystery of Sylmare Hugh Irish nv
The Edge of the Shadow R. E. Dupuy ss
The Algerian Cave Dick Heine ss
The Dark Chrysalis [Part 2 of 3] Eli Colter na
The Dragon Fang Fitz-James O'Brien ss |
Couverture de Hugh Rankin
The Bride of Osiris [Part 1
of 3] Otis Adelbert Kline na
Satan's Fiddle George Malcolm-Smith nv
The Power of the Dog G. G. Pendarves ss
Creeping Shadows [*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn ss
Fly Island B. Wallis ss
The Man with a Thousand Legs Frank Belknap Long nv
The Phantom
Photoplay Terva Gaston Hubbard ss
The Dark Chrysalis [Part 3 of 3] Eli Colter na
Two Black Bottles Wilfred Blanch Talman ss
Who Killed Jack Robbins Robert Lee Heiser ss
The Queen of Spades [1834] Alexander Pushkin nv |
Couverture de CC Serif
The Wolf-Woman Bassett
Morgan nv
The Moon Menace Edmond Hamilton nv
The Beast of the Yungas Willis Knapp Jones ss
The Dead Wagon Greye La Spina ss
The White Lady of the Orphanage
[*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn nv
The Turret Room August W. Derleth vi
The Adventure of the Pipe Richard Marsh ss
The Bride of Osiris [Part 2 of 3] Otis Adelbert Kline na
The Blue City Frank Owen ss
The Soul-Ray Don Robert Catlin ss
Night Wings Jack Snow ss
Lord of the Jackals Sax Rohmer ss |
Couverture de CC Serif
The Dark Lore Nictzin Dyalhis nv
The Time-Raider [Part 1 of 4] Edmond Hamilton n.
Saladin's Throne-Rug E. Hoffmann Price nv
Hunger John D. Swain vi
Loup-Garou Wallace West ss
Pickman's Model H. P. Lovecraft ss
The Poltergeist [*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn nv
The Red Brain Donald Wandrei ss
A Problem of the Dark Frances Arthur ss
The Bride of Osiris [Part 3 of 3] Otis Adelbert Kline na
The Old Nurse's Story Mrs. Elizabeth C. Gaskell nv |
Couverture de CC Serif
The Invading Horde Arthur
J. Burks nv
The Wolf Sewell Peaslee Wright ss
A Certain Soldier Clare Winger Harris ss
The Lord of the Tarn G. G. Pendarves ss
Back to the Beast Manly Wade Wellman ss
The Time-Raider [Part 2 of 4] Edmond Hamilton n.
The Shadows Henry S. Whitehead nv
Other Earths Will Smith nv
The Gray Rider Charles Hilan Craig ss
The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade Edgar Allan Poe ss |
Couverture de Hugh Rankin
The Infidel's Daughter E. Hoffmann Price
The Sword of Jean Lafitte W. K. Mashburn, Jr.
The Swooping Wind Wilford Allen ss
The Witch-Baiter R. Anthony ss
The Devils of Po Sung Bassett Morgan ss
The Canal Everil Worrell ss
Bells of Oceana Arthur J. Burks ss
The Dream Maurice Rothman ss
White Orchids Gordon Philip England ss
When the Dead Return Percy B. Prior ss
The Sleepers August W. Derleth ss
The Time-Raider [Part 3 of 4] Edmond Hamilton n.
Dracula's Guest [*Dracula] Bram Stoker ss |
prιcιdente -- Page suivante
Annιe :
1923, 1924,
1925, 1926, 1927,
1928, 1929,
1930, 1931,
1932, 1933,
1934, 1935,
1936, 1937,
1938, 1939,

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