Annιe 1928
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Couverture de CC Serif
The Gods of East and West
[*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn nv
The Feathered Serpent Walter Carrington ss
While the Lamps Hissed Arthur W. Davenport
The Garret of Madame Lemoyne W. K. Mashburn, Jr. ss
In Amundsen's Tent John Martin Leahy ss
The Golden Whistle Eli Colter nv
The Time-Raider [Part 4 of 4] Edmond Hamilton n.
The Bone-Grinder Wilford Allen ss
Metzengerstein Edgar Allan Poe ss |
Couverture de CC Serif
The Ghost-Table Elliot O'Donnell ss
The Call of Cthulhu H. P. Lovecraft nv
The Shadow on the Moor Stuart Strauss ss
The Curse of Alabad and Ghinu and Aratza Wilfred Blanch Talman ss
Mephistopheles and Company, Ltd. [*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn nv
The Purple Sea Frank Owen ss
The Giant World [Part 2 of 3; *Martt & Bartt Gryce] Ray Cummings na
The Isle of the Fairy Morgana John Martin Leahy ss
The Mist-Monster Granville S. Hoss ss
The Dream Snake Robert E. Howard ss
Clarimonde Thιophile Gautier; trans. by Lafcadio Hearn nv |
Couverture de CC Serif
The Strange People [Part 1 of
3] Murray Leinster na
The Eighth Green Man G. G. Pendarves ss
The Tenant August W. Derleth ss
Flames of Destiny Arlton Eadie ss
The Twin Soul Amelia Reynolds Long nv
Ebony Magic Stella Wynne ss
The Curse of a Song Eli Colter nv
The Black Angel C. Ed Rowley ss
The Tree-Man Ghost Percy B. Prior ss
The Giant World [Part 3 of 3; *Martt & Bartt Gryce] Ray Cummings n
The Hyena Robert E. Howard ss
The Legend of the Moor's Legacy Washington Irving ss |
Couverture de C.C. Serif
The Jewel of Seven Stones [*Jules de Grandin]
Seabury Quinn nv
The Magic of Chac-Mool Clyde Criswell nv
The Time Will Come Will MacMahon ss
Whispers Robert S. Carr ss
The Strange People [Part 2 of 3] Murray Leinster na
Medusa Royal W. Jimerson ss
From Beyond Everil Worrell ss
The Spectral Lover [*Dr. Burnstrum] R. Anthony ss
The Fantasmal Terror Willis Overton ss
The Chain H. Warner Munn ss
The Legend of St. Julian the Hospitable Gustave Flaubert nv |
Couverture de C.C. Senf
The Bat-Men of Thorium
[Part 1 of 3] Bertram Russell na
The Skeleton Under the Lamp Bassett Morgan
The Hand of the Invisible E. Irvine Haines ss
Sea Curse Robert E. Howard ss
Riders in the Sky Marc R. Schorer & August W. Derleth ss
A Wager in Candlesticks Robert T. Griebling ss
Three Coffins Arthur J. Burks nv
The Doomed Treveans G. G. Pendarves ss
Through the Veil Anne M. Bilbro ss
The Strange People [Part 3 of 3] Murray Leinster na
The Black Madonna A. W. Wyville ss
Malchior Makes Magic Charles Henry Mackintosh ss
Rappaccini's Daughter Nathaniel Hawthorne nv |
Couverture de C.C. Serif
The Devil's Martyr Signe Toksvig ss
The Serpent Woman [*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn nv
The Elemental Law Everil Worrell nv
The Hate Wilford Allen vi
The Dimension Terror Edmond Hamilton nv
The Lurking Fear H. P. Lovecraft nv
The Philosophers' Stone August W. Derleth vi
The Bat-Men of Thorium [Part 2 of 3] Bertram Russell na The Phantom
Fiddler Arlton Eadie ss
The Blue Lizard Fiswoode Tarleton ss
The Last Laugh C. Franklin Miller ss
The Specter Bridegroom Washington Irving ss |
Couverture de C.C. Serif
The Witches' Sabbath [Part 1 of 2] Stephen
Bagby na
The Green Monster Arthur Macom ss
Tony the Faithful W. K. Mashburn, Jr. ss
The Three-Storied House August W. Derleth ss
The Space-Eaters Frank Belknap Long, Jr. nv
On a Far World [*Charles Breinbar] Wilford Allen ss
The Bat-Men of Thorium [Part 3 of 3] Bertram Russell na
The Man Who Remembered Willis Knapp Jones ss
The Grappling Ghost Capwell Wyckoff ss
The Statue of Anuta Arthur W. Davenport ss
The Little Husbands David H. Keller ss
Symphonic Death Fred R. Farrow, Jr. ss
The Bowmen Arthur Machen vi |
Couverture de C.C. Senf
Red Shadows [*Solomon
Kane] Robert E. Howard nv
You Can't Kill a Ghost Frank Belknap Long, Jr.
Vulture Crag Everil Worrell nv
The Rose Window Charlton Lawrence Edholm
Crashing Suns [Part 1 of 2] Edmond Hamilton
The Man in the Green Coat Eli Colter nv
The Witches' Sabbath [Part 2 of 2] Stephen Bagby na
The Vengeance of Nitocris Thomas Lanier Williams ss
The Justice of the Czar George Fielding Eliot ss
The Demoiselle d'Ys Robert W. Chambers ss |
Couverture de C.C. Senf
The Devil-Plant John
Murray Reynolds ss
Invisible Threads [Part 1 of 2] Arthur J. Burks
Body and Soul [*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn nv
The Owl on the Moor Marc R. Schorer & August W. Derleth ss
The Dogs of Salem David H. Keller ss
The Oath of Hul Jok [*Venhez] Nictzin Dyalhis
The Ninth Skeleton Clark Ashton Smith ss
The Fates John Dwight ss
Crashing Suns [Part 2 of 2] Edmond Hamilton na
The White Vampire Arlton Eadie ss
The Rays of the Moon Everil Worrell ss
The Burial of the Rats Bram Stoker nv |
Couverture de C.C. Serif
The Werewolf's Daughter [Part 1 of 3;
*Master] H. Warner Munn na
The Temple of Serpents Paul Ernst ss Carnate Crystal Mayo Reiss ss
The Dream Chair Leroy Ernest Fess ss
Restless Souls [*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn nv
The Conradi Affair August W. Derleth & Carl W. Ganzlin vi
The Dancing Death Theodore Roscoe nv
The City of Lost Souls Genevieve Larsson ss
The Incubator Man Wallace West ss
Invisible Threads [Part 2 of 2] Arthur J. Burks nv
The Specter of Tappington Richard Harris Barham nv |
Couverture de C.C. Senf
The Mystery in Acatlan
Rachael Marshall & Maverick Terrell ss
The Polar Doom Edmond Hamilton nv
The Head From Ecuador Robert Lee Heiser ss
Flame of the Ages Robert Choate Albright ss
The Cave of Spiders William R. Hickey ss
The Last Test Adolphe de Castro na
The Werewolf's Daughter [Part 2 of 3; *Master] H. Warner Munn na
The Flying Death B. Wallis nv
The Tryst in the Tomb M. J. Cain ss
The Tenant at Number Seven August W. Derleth ss
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Washington Irving nv |
Couverture de Hugh Rankin
The Chapel of Mystic Horror [*Jules de
Grandin] Seabury Quinn nv
Beyond Power of Man Paul Ernst ss
The Copper Bowl George Fielding Eliot ss
The Statement of Justin Parker August W. Derleth ss
The Isle of Lost Souls [Part 1 of 3] Joel Martin Nichols, Jr. na
The Soul Tube Stuart Strauss ss
The Cult of the Skull Henry S. Whitehead ss
The Tinkle of the Camel's Bell Frank Owen ss
The Werewolf's Daughter [Part 3 of 3; *Master] H. Warner Munn na
Poison Jack Snow ss
The Monster-Maker ["The Surgeon's Experiment"] W. C. Morrow ss |
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Annιe :
1923, 1924,
1925, 1926,
1927, 1928, 1929,
1930, 1931,
1932, 1933,
1934, 1935,
1936, 1937,
1938, 1939,

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