Annιe 1924
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1923 - janvier 1924
Couverture de Mally
The Abysmal Horror [Part 1 of 2] B. Wallis na
Black Sorcery Paul Annixter nv
The Hand of Fatma Harry Anable Kniffin ss
The Man Who Banished Himself Ferdinand Berthoud ss
A Game of Chance Henry Lieferant & Sylvia B. Saltzberg ss
The Open Window [*John Steppling] Frank Owen ss
The Cat Called Carlos Hal Field Leslie ss
The Picture in the House H. P. Lovecraft ss
Draconda [Part 2 of 6] John Martin Leahy n.
The Hook of Death Mrs. Harry Pugh Smith nv
The Monstrosity George W. Crane ss
The Cobra Lily Ledyard M. Bailey nv
The Black Cat Edgar Allan Poe ss
Snake Galen C. Colin vi |
Couverture de Mally
Planet Paradise Dick Presley Tooker nv
The Tap Arthur Edwards Chapman ss
The Thing that Should not Be Burton Peter Thom ss
The Guilty Man Marion Carrere ss
The Transparent Ghost [Part 1 of 3] Isa-Belle Manzer ss
Coils of Darkness [Part 1 of 3] Sybla Ramus na
Carved in the Flesh Tom Rawson Hilbourn ss
The Hall Bedroom W. Elwyn Backus ss
The Door of Doom Mary Sharon ss
The Abysmal Horror [Part 2 of 2] B. Wallis na
The Hound H. P. Lovecraft ss
Draconda [Part 3 of 6] John Martin Leahy n.
The Ghost of Silent Smith C. Franklin Miller ss
Doctor DeBruce Earl Leaston Bell ss
The Hater B. W. Wilson ss
The Killer Harold Ward vi |
Couverture de Mally
The Spirit Fakers of Hermannstadt [Part 1 of
2] Houdini nv
The Hermit of Ghost Mountain C. Franklin Miller
Justice in the Foothills Clement White ss
Zillah Valma Clark ss
The Fine Art of Suicide Howard Rockey ss
Ashes [ghost written by H. P. Lovecraft] C. M. Eddy, Jr. ss
The Rats in the Walls H. P. Lovecraft ss
The Voice of Euphemia Eudora Ramsay Richardson ss
Yellow and White George Fuller ss
Coils of Darkness [Part 2 of 3] Sybla Ramus na
The Toad Donovan G. Fitzpatrick ss
The Statement of Archibald Swayne Burton Peter Thom ss
The Transparent Ghost [Part 2 of 3] Isa-Belle Manzer ss
Draconda [Part 4 of 6] John Martin Leahy n.
Creatures of the Night A. P. McMahon ss
The House in the Forest Harold Ward ss
Never Bet the Devil Your Head ["Never Bet Your Head"] Edgar Allan Poe
Couverture de Mally
Ebenezer's Casket [Part 1 of 2] J. U. Giesy &
Junius B. Smith nv
The White Ape H. P. Lovecraft ss
Down Through the Ages Rex Hall ss
The Great Adventure Bryan Irvine ss
Tragedy Island J. M. Alvey ss
The Brown Mouse Edward Parrish Ware ss
Exhibit "A" Anne Harris Hadley ss
The Transparent Ghost [Part 3 of 3] Isa-Belle Manzer ss
The Devil Bird Hal Halbert ss
Coils of Darkness [Part 3 of 3] Sybla Ramus na
The Spirit Fakers of Hermannstadt [Part 2 of 2] Houdini nv
Draconda [Part 5 of 6] John Martin Leahy n.
Sport for Ladies Stanley G. Thompson ss
The Man Who Dared to Know Junius B. Smith ss
The Ghost-Eater [ghost written by H. P. Lovecraft] C. M. Eddy, Jr.
The Thing Frank Marion Palmer ss
Shadows Frank Owen vi
Couverture de Mally
Imprisoned with the Pharaohs
[ghost written by H. P. Lovecraft] Houdini nv
"Whoso Diggeth a Pit" Vida Taylor Adams
Deep Calleth Gordon Burns ss
The Malignant Entity Otis Adelbert Kline ss
The Sixth Tree Edith Lichty Stewart ss
The Haunted Mansion in the Pines Leonard F. Schumann ss
Spirits J. M. Alvey vi
Hypnos H. P. Lovecraft ss
Ebenezer's Casket [Part 2 of 2] J. U. Giesy & Junius B. Smith nv
Draconda [Part 6 of 6] John Martin Leahy n.
The Hand H. Francis Caskey ss
The Loved Dead C. M. Eddy, Jr. ss
The Vow on Halloween Lyllian Huntley Harris vi
Eyes Galen C. Colin vi
The Man Who Thought He Was Dead Granville S. Hoss ss
Called Back Dan
W. Totheron ss
The Sunken Land George W. Bayly ss
The Dancing Partner Guy L. Helms ss
The Last Entry Meredith Beyers vi
The Purple Death Edith Lyle Ragsdale ss
The Imposter Norman Springer ss
Just Bones Samuel Stewart Mims ss
First Degree Robert Cosmo Harding ss
The Latvian Herman Fetzer ss
The Machine from Outside Don Howard ss
Doctor Grant's Experiment H. A. Noureddin Addis ss
Tea Leaves Henry S. Whitehead ss
An Egyptian Lotus Mrs. Chetwood Smith ss
Deep Sea Game Arthur J. Messier ss
The Soul Mark H. C. Wire ss
It! E. M. Samson ss
The Man Who Lived Next Door to Himself Frank Owen ss
Mystery River
Elwin J. Owens ss
The God Yuano Marjorie Darter vi
The Cellar Paul L. Anderson ss
In The Weird Light Edward Everett & Ralph Howard Wright nv
A Glimpse Beyond H. M. Hamilton ss
Couverture de Andrew Brosnatch
Teoquitla the Golden Ramςn de las Cuevas
The Brain in the Jar Norman Elwood Hammerstrom & R. F. Searight ss
Adventure of Souls Robert Lee Heiser ss
Well, I'll Tell You, Ma W. McKeown ss
The Desert Lich Frank Belknap Long, Jr. ss
The Great Panjandrum Francis Hard ss
The House of Dust [Part 1 of 2] L. A. Borah na
Six Bearded Men Elwin J. Owens ss
The Green and Gold Bug J. M. Alvey ss
The Tortoise-Shell Cat Greye La Spina ss
The Phantom Rider Otis Adelbert Kline ss
A Soulless Resurrection Anon. ss
A Suicide Complex Robert Allways ss
The Purple Light Ralph Parker Anderson ss
The Ghost of Liscard Manor Walter Burns ss
The Pelican Charles L. Frederick ss
The Door Henry S. Whitehead ss
Thus Spake the Prophetess Estil Ritchie ss
The Tower of Silence Don Willis ss
John Carroll, Legionary of Rome B. Wallis nv |
Couverture de Andrew Brosnatch
Death-Waters Frank Belknap
Long, Jr. ss
The Earth Girl Carroll K. Michener ss With Weapons of Stone C. M.
Eddy, Jr. ss
The Death Clinic Otto E. A. Schmidt ss
Cave of Murdered Men W. Benson Dooling vi
Kaivalya Mrs. Edgar Saltus ss
A Tryst with Death Edgar White ss
The Valley of Teeheemen [Part 1 of 2; *Teeheemen (Holton)] Arthur
Thatcher na
Bkack Temple Band Elwin J. Owens ss
His Family C. Franklin Miller ss
A Hand from the Deep Romeo Poole ss
After Dennis Francis Hannigan vi
Creeping Mist Thomas B. Sherman ss
The Silent Five Anthony D. Keogh ss
The Case of the Russian Stevedore Henry W. Whitehill ss
Voodoo Estil Critchie ss
The House of Dust [Part 2 of 2] L. A. Borah na
Youth Howard R. Marsh ss
Fairy Gossamer Harry Harrison Kroll ss
The Song Eternal Galen C. Colin ss
The Crimson Crucifix H. Thompson Rich ss |
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Annιe :
1923, 1924, 1925,
1926, 1927,
1928, 1929,
1930, 1931,
1932, 1933,
1934, 1935,
1936, 1937,
1938, 1939,

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