Annιe 1935
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Couverture de Margaret Brundage
Rulers of the Future [Part 1
of 3] Paul Ernst
Charon Laurence J. Cahill
Hands of the Dead [*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn n
Black Bagheela Bassett Morgan nv The Trail of the Cloven Hoof [Part 7 of 7] Arlton Eadie n. The
Dark Eidolon [*Zothique] Clark Ashton Smith nv
The Feast in the Abbey Robert Bloch ss
The Shattered Timbrel Wallace J. Knapp ss
Death in Twenty Minutes Charles Henry Mackintosh vi
The Supreme Witch G. Appleby Terrill ss |
Couverture de Margaret Brundage
The Web of Living Death Seabury Quinn nv
The Grisly Horror Robert E. Howard nv
The Body-Masters Frank Belknap
Long, Jr. s
Murder in the Grave Edmond Hamilton ss
Rulers of the Future [Part 2 of 3] Paul Ernst
The Silver Bullet Phyllis A. Whitney nv
The Metronome August W. Derleth ss
Anything Could Happen Kurt Barle ss
The Dinner Set Fanny Kemble Johnson ss
The Fireplace Henry S. Whitehead ss |
Couverture de Margaret Brundage
Lord of the
Lamia [Part 1 of 3] Otis Adelbert Kline
Clutching Hands of Death Harold Ward ss
Jewels of Gwahlur [*Conan] Robert E. Howard
Julhi [*Northwest Smith] C. L. Moore nv Rulers of the Future [Part 3
of 3] Paul Ernst
What Waits in Darkness Loretta Burrough ss
The Sealed Casket Richard F. Searight ss
The Judge's House Bram Stoker ss
Couverture de Margaret Brundage
The Man Who
Was Two Men Arthur William Bernal nv
The Hand of the O'Mecca Howard Wandrei
Shadows of Blood [by Earl Binder & Otto Binder] Eando Binder ss
Lord of the Lamia [Part 2 of 3] Otis Adelbert Kline
The Last Hieroglyph [*Zothique] Clark Ashton Smith ss
Out of the Eons [ghost written by H. P. Lovecraft] Hazel Heald nv
The Aztec Ring John Flanders ss
The Man Who Could Not Go Home L. E. Frailey ss
Couverture de Margaret Brundage
The Death
Cry [*Craig Kennedy] Arthur B. Reeve
Yellow Doom Robert H. Leitfred nv
The Bronze Casket Richard H. Hart ss
Beyond the Black River [Part 1 of
2; *Conan] Robert E. Howard na
Lord of the Lamia [Part 3 of 3] Otis Adelbert Kline
The Flower-Women [*Maal Dweb] Clark Ashton Smith ss Muggridge's Aunt
August W. Derleth ss
The Secret in the Tomb Robert Bloch ss
Arthur Jermyn H. P. Lovecraft ss
Couverture de Margaret Brundage
The Horror in the Studio Dorothy Quick nv Satan in
Exile [Part 1 of 4] Arthur William Bernal n.
Flapping Wings of Death Amelia Reynolds Long
The Destroying Horde Donald Wandrei ss
The Spider's Web John Scott
Douglas ss Beyond the Black River [Part 2 of 2; *Conan] Robert E.
Howard na
The Suicide in the Study Robert Bloch ss
The Woman in Gray Walker G. Everett ss
Together Ida M. Kier ss
The Cup of Blood Otis Adelbert Kline ss
Couverture de Margaret Brundage
The Avenger from Atlantis Edmond Hamilton
Waiter Number 34 Paul Ernst ss
Jirel Meets Magic [*Jirel of Joiry] C. L. Moore
Satan in Exile [Part 2 of 4] Arthur William Bernal
The Curse of the Valedi S. P. Meek ss
A Grave Is Five Feet Deep [as "A Grave Must Be Deep" on contents page]
Aalla Zaata ss
On a Train with a Madman Roy Temple House ss
The Honor of Don Pedro Wallace J. Knapp ss
The Violet Death Gustav Meyrink; trans. by Roy Temple House ss
The Wondersmith Fitz-James O'Brien nv
Couverture de Margaret Brundage
Doctor Satan [*Dr.
Satan] Paul Ernst nv
The Drome of the Living Dead John Scott Douglas
The Black Orchid Seabury Quinn nv
The House Party at Smoky Island L. M. Montgomery ss
Once in a Thousand Years Frances Bragg Middleton nv
Satan in Exile [Part 3 of 4] Arthur William Bernal n.
The Treader of the Dust Clark Ashton Smith ss
The Idol and the Rajah Claude Farrθre ss
In Amundsen's Tent John Martin Leahy ss |
Couverture de Margaret Brundage
The Blue Woman John Scott
Douglas nv
The Carnival of Death [Part 1 of 4] Arlton Eadie
The Man Who Chained the Lightning [*Dr. Satan] Paul Ernst nv
Vulthoom Clark Ashton Smith nv
Satan in Exile [Part 4 of 4]
Arthur William Bernal
The Shambler from the Stars Robert Bloch ss
One Chance Ethel Helene Coen vi
The Toad Idol Kirk Mashburn ss
The Monster-God of Mamurth Edmond Hamilton ss
The Return of Orrin Mannering Kenneth P. Wood vi |
Couverture de Margaret Brundage
The Six Sleepers Edmond
Hamilton nv Hollywood Horror [*Dr. Satan] Paul Ernst nv
The Cold Gray God [*Northwest Smith] C. L. Moore nv
The Dead-Alive Mummy [*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn nv
The Mystery of the Last Guest John Flanders
The Carnival of Death [Part 2 of 4] Arlton Eadie n.
In a Graveyard [by Earl Binder & Otto Binder] Eando Binder ss
The Amulet of Hell Robert Leonard Russell ss
The Lost Club Arthur Machen ss |
Couverture de Margaret Brundage
Shadows in Zamboula [*Conan]
Robert E. Howard
The Consuming Flame [*Dr. Satan] Paul Ernst
The Hand of Wrath E. Hoffmann Prisse ss
The Way Home Paul Frederick Stern ss
The Carnival of Death
[Part 3 of 4] Arlton Eadie n.
When the Flame-Flowers Blossomed Leslie F. Stone ss Top of the World
Tarleton Collier ss
Mr. Berbeck Had a Dream August W. Derleth ss
William Wilson Edgar Allan Poe nv |
Couverture de Margaret Brundage
The Hour of the
Dragon [Part 1 of 5; *Conan] Robert E. Howard
Dancing Feet Paul Ernst ss
The Chain of Aforgomon Clark Ashton Smith
The Great Brain of Kaldar [*Stuart Merrick] Edmond Hamilton nv
The Carnival of Death [Part 4 of 4] Arlton Eadie n
The Man With the Blue Beard Harold Ward nv
The Hedge Alfred I. Tooke ss
Lead Soldiers Robert Barbour Johnson ss
Lukundoo [1907] Edward Lucas White ss |
Tales Octobre 1935 - Illustrations intιrieures par artistes divers |
Weird Tales
Septembre 1935 - Illustrations intιrieures par artistes divers |
prιcιdente -- Page suivante
Annιe :
1923, 1924,
1925, 1926,
1927, 1928,
1929, 1930,
1931, 1932,
1933, 1934, 1935,
1936, 1937,
1938, 1939,

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