Annιe 1926
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Couverture de Andrew Brosnatch
Stealer of Souls Charles Hilan Craig nv
On the Dead Man's Chest [Part 1 of 4] Eli Colter
The Dead Soul Raoul Lenoir ss
The Black Crusader Alicia Ramsey ss
Mc Gill's Appointment Elsie Ellis vi
The Mystery Under the Sea Donald E. Keyhoe
The Fair Pastie Pye Arthur Edwards Chapman
Wandering Willie's Tale [from Redgauntlet] Sir Walter Scott
The Gong Ringers Hasan Vokine ss
The Waning of a World [Part 3 of 4] W. Elwyn Backus n.
The Tomb H. P. Lovecraft ss
Couverture de C. Barker Petrie, Jr.
Red Ether [Part 1 of 2] Petterson Marzoni
The Isle of Missing Ships [*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn nv
The Word of Santiago [*Pierre d'Atois] E. Hoffmann Price ss
The Avenging Hand Roy Wallace Davis ss
Phantom Billiards Frank E. Walker ss
The White Dog Feodor Sologub ss
The Thing in the Glass Box Sewell Peaslee Wright ss
The Kidnaper's Story Walter G. Detrick nv
On the Dead Man's Chest [Part 2 of 4] Eli Colter na
The Other Half Edwin L. Sabin ss
The Cats of Ulthar H. P. Lovecraft vi
The Waning of a World [Part 4 of 4] W. Elwyn Backus n. |
Couverture de Andrew Brosnatch
Lochinvar Lodge Clyde Burt Clason nv
The Jungle Monsters Paul S. Powers ss
A Message From Space J. Schlossel ss
Something Toothsome Arthur J. Burks ss
Dead in Three Hours Elwin J. Owens ss
A Dream of Armageddon H. G. Wells nv
The Music of Madness William E. Barrett ss The Mask of the Red Death
Edgar Allan Poe ss
The Luster of the Beast Charles Christopher Jenkins ss Dr. Jerbot's
Last Experiment Granville S. Hoss ss
On the Dead Man's Chest [Part 3 of 4] Eli Colter na
Swamp Horror Will Smith & R. J. Robbins ss
The Curse Charles Hilan Craig ss
Red Ether [Part 2 of 2] Petterson Marzoni na
Couverture de E.M. Stevenson
Wolfshead [*De Montour] Robert E. Howard
The Outsider Howard P. Lovecraft ss
The Contra-Talisman George Ballard Bowers
The Hooded Death Joel Martin Nichols, Jr. ss
Out of the Mists of Time William Benton Frazier
Knights of the Red Owl Elwin J. Owens ss
The Derelict Mine [Part 1 of 3] Frank A. Mochnant na
Teeth Galen C. Colin ss
The Vengeance of India [*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn ss
The Phantom Drug A. W. Kapfer ss
The House in the Willows Sewell Peaslee Wright ss
Duval's Weird Experiment [*Paul Duval] F. William Sarles ss
The Mummy's Foot Thιophile Gautier ss
Things That Are God's C. Franklin Miller ss
The Yellow Specter Stewart Van der Veer ss
The Glacier Lode Strickland Gillilan ss
On the Dead Man's Chest [Part 4 of 4] Eli
Colter na |
Couverture de Andrew Bensen
The Ghosts of Steamboat
Coulee Arthur J. Burks
The Devil-Ray [Part 1 of 3] Joel Martin Nichols, The Dead Hand [*Jules
de Grandin] Seabury Quin
The Silent Trees Frank Owen ss
The Man Who Was Saved B. W. Sliney ss
Bat's Belfry August W. Derleth ss
Queen of the Vortex [*Paul Duval] F. William Sarles nv
The Werewolf H. B. Marryat
Across the Gulf Henry S. Whitehead ss
Vials of Wrath Edith Lyle Ragsdale ss
The Experiment of Erich Weigert Sewell Peaslee Wright ss
The Confession of a Madman James Cocks ss
The Derelict Mine [Part 2 of 3] Frank A. Mochnant na
Couverture de E.M. Stevenson
The Foot Fetish Howard R. Marsh ss
Spider-Bite Robert S. Carr nv
The Death Crescents of Koti Romeo Poole ss
Ghosts of the Air J. M. Hiatt & Moye W. Stephens ss
The Charm That Failed George Ballard Bowers
The Life Serum Paul S. Powers ss
Their Last Job Robert Lee Heiser ss
The Upper Berth F. Marion Crawford nv
Ti Michel W. J. Stamper ss
The Moon-Bog H. P. Lovecraft ss
The Strange Case of Pascal Robert Eugene Ulmer ss
The Devil-Ray [Part 2 of 3] Joel Martin Nichols, Jr. na
Hurtling Horror Earl W. & Marion Scott ss
Nerve Charles Frederick Stansbury ss
Asphodel Arthur J. Burks ss
The Derelict Mine [Part 3 of 3] Frank A. Mochnant na |
Couverture de E.M. StevensonsThrough
the Vortex Donald E. Keyhoe nv
Fettered [Part 1 of 4] Greye La Spina n.
Laocoon Bassett Morgan ss
Si Urag of the Tail Oscar Cook ss
With the Coming of Dawn Leslie N. Johnson vi
The Demons of Castle Romnare Elizabeth Adt Wenzler ss
The House of Horror [*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn nv
The Dreamer of Atlβnaat [*Dreamer of Atlβnaat] E. Hoffmann Price
The Birthmark Nathaniel Hawthorne ss
A Runaway World Clare Winger Harris ss
The Elixir of Life Marc R. Schorer & August W. Derleth ss
The Devil-Ray [Part 3 of 3] Joel Martin Nichols, Jr. na |
Couverture de C. Barker Petrie, Jr
The Woman of the Wood A.
Merritt nv
The Whistling Monsters B. Wallis nv
The Tsantsa of Professor Von Rothapfel Alanson Skinner ss
The Terrible Old Man H. P. Lovecraft vi
The Door of Hell Emma-Lindsay Squier nv
The Devil's Pay August W. Derleth ss
The Monster-God of Mamurth Edmond Hamilton The Horla Guy de Maupassant
The Mad Surgeon Wright Field ss
The Devil's Graveyard G. G. Pendarves nv
The Other Vera Willis Knapp Jones ss
Fettered [Part 2 of 4] Greye La Spina n. |
Couverture de E.M. Stevenson
The Bird of Space [*Frank Alison] Everil
Across Space [Part 1 of 3] Edmond Hamilton
The Tower Ghost E. Phillips Oppenheim ss
A Creeping, Crawling Thing Dick Heine ss
The Case of the Jailer's Daughter [*Dr. Ivan Brodsky Surgeon of Souls]
Victor Rousseau ss
Ancient Fires [*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn
The Marmoset Marc R. Schorer & August W. Derleth ss The Bracelet
Talbert Josselyn ss
He H. P. Lovecraft ss
The Night Wire H. F. Arnold ss
Jumbee Henry S. Whitehead ss
The Tapestried Chamber Sir Walter Scott ss
Fettered [Part 3 of 4] Greye La Spina n. |
Couverture de C. Barker Petrie, Jr.
The Supreme Witch G. Appleby Terrill ss
The Voice of Bills John Martin Leahy ss
The Throwback Orlin Frederick vi
The Great God Pan [*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn ss
The Woman With the Crooked Nose [*Dr. Ivan Brodsky Surgeon of Souls]
Victor Rousseau
The Chair Marion Heidt Mimms nv
The Corpus Delicti Eli Colter ss
Cattle of Furos [*Frank Alison] Everil Worrell ss
Across Space [Part 2 of 3] Edmond Hamilton na
The Bagman's Story Charles Dickens ss
The Projection of Armand Dubois [*Gerald Canevin] Henry S. Whitehead
The Coffin of Lissa August W. Derleth ss
Seven Minutes Frank Owen ss
Fettered [Part 4 of 4] Greye La Spina n.
The Phantom Express H. Thompson Rich vi |
Couverture de E.M. Stevenson
The Peacock's Shadow [*Pierre
d'Atois] E. Hoffmann Price nv
The Star Shell [Part 1 of 4] Geo. C. & B. Wallis
The Parasitic Hand [*Dr. Burnstrum] R. Anthony
The City of Spiders H. Warner Munn nv
The Creature of Man Oscar Cook ss
The Ode to Pegasus Maria Moravsky ss
The Fiend of the Marsh Robert Emmett Lewis & Martha May Cockrill
The Tenth Commandment Victor Rousseau ss
The Assault Upon Miracle Castle J. M. Hiatt ss
Across Space [Part 3 of 3] Edmond Hamilton na
The Dog-Eared God Frank Belknap Long, Jr. ss
Ligeia Edgar Allan Poe ss |
Couverture de Joseph Doolin
The Metal Giants Edmond Hamilton nv
The Grinning Mummy [*Jules de Grandin] Seabury Quinn nv
Orbit of Souls Arthur J. Burks ss
The Malignant Pearl Thomas H. Griffiths ss
Apricots From Ispahan E. Hoffmann Price ss
The Mystic Bowl Eugene Clement d'Art ss
The Foe From Beyond [*Paul Duval] F. William Sarles ss The Beast
Paul Benton ss
The Suicide Malcolm Ford Henry ss
The Legacy of Hate [*Dr. Ivan Brodsky Surgeon of Souls] Victor Rousseau
The Star Shell [Part 2 of 4] Geo. C. & B. Wallis na
The Guard's Error W. Benson Dooling ss |
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Annιe :
1923, 1924,
1925, 1926, 1927,
1928, 1929,
1930, 1931,
1932, 1933,
1934, 1935,
1936, 1937,
1938, 1939,

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